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What were your past experiences with exercise and trainers? For most of my past, I maintained a fairly active lifestyle and was involved...

Warren's Story

I have always been pretty active. I ran competitively for many years and, to be honest, I was pretty good at it. So running has always...


Instead of the result being your goal, break your goals down into short term actions. Eg: "Gain 20lbs of muscle" now becomes "Get to the...

Tips to stop Overeating

A LITTLE BIT OF MINDFULNESS GOES A LONG WAY: _ Calorie counting, Macro ratios, Meal plans etc have their place and can work really well...

How many reps and sets?: Rest edition.

THIS ANSWER WILL SHOCK YOU… It depends, various methods work, as long as you workout enough it doesn’t really matter. _ I know,...

Decrease back pain in 5 minutes a day

Back pain is on the rise. This study done in North Carolina over a 14 year period has shown that more and more people are reporting cases...

Post-Workout Nutrition

What should eat after I workout? The health and fitness world can be a confusing place at times. Most of us just want to get in shape,...

Nutritional Planning made easy

#video #Weightloss #Buildingmuscle #goalsetting #musclemass #tutorial #calories #macros #mealplan #portionsize

Goal Setting: How to not Fail

"What is your fitness goal?" That's probably a question that you've heard a few times. Maybe when you have signed up at the gym....

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